"The Click and Collect Affect" - How Click and Collect has affected my gluten free shopping

I am coining a new phrase "The click and collect affect".

I love click and collect.  It has saved me about an hour a week when we use it.  I have young kids, so those minutes saves are so valuable.  And not so I can just rush my kids off to the next activity, but so Amanda and I can have some extra time for our selves.

We certainly love the Superstore click and collect and use it about three times a month.  There service has been getting better and better.

So what is the click and collect affect?

Well... it is this...

The system has been so smart at knowing what we usually buy, we don't see new items put in front of us. Which is what makes the shopping experience so fast.

So that means we miss all the new items being put on the shelves.  Which, is not that bad of a thing, but when you are shopping for gluten free items, and you want to know what is new.  That is a huge thing.

We recently did a rare in person shopping because both of our children had sleepovers.  So we thought, why not shop together in store, without kids.

Jackpot!  We found so many new items gluten free items on their shelves. Here is just a couple!

So one thing you can try to do to avoid the click and collect affect is search gluten free in the Superstore online store.  It will turn up most items.  Or you can go into the store too!  Because often, they do not make everything available for click and collect. 
