My guest blog post at is an online shopping resources centre for everything from automotive to books to electronics to food & drink. prides itself on helping people make ideal buying decisions. provides a comprehensive, relevant, and unbiased research information to help you choose the right product.

They maintain a the Pocket Change blog to help promote various subject areas and products.  The blog is typically made up from guest bloggers such as myself.  They have strict guidelines to keep the blog posts more informative rather than a sales pitch.

Gluten Free Edmonton, caught the eye of one of the editors at and I was asked to provide a blog post on gluten free living for their blog.  They wanted to introduce their readers, and shoppers to Celiac Disease and gluten free living.

Click here to read what I had to say about "Life Styles of the Gluten Free and Famous"

Gluten Free Edmonton - A Celiac guide and resource for gluten free information in Edmonton, Alberta
