Enjoy Life - Gluten Fee Brand of Products

Gluten Free Brand: Enjoy Life Foods
Website: http://www.enjoylifefoods.com/

Enjoy life is a gluten free brand that has a gluten free product range of breakfast and snack products such as cereals, cookies, snack bars, and trail mixes.

Enjoy Life gluten free products can be found in just about any Edmonton retailer including Superstore, Wal-Mart, Sobey's, Safeway, Save-on-Foods and even Shoppers Drugmart and London Drugs.

Our Review:

We have really enjoyed the Enjoy Life products. Particularly for its breakfast related products. We enjoy their Crunch Flax on top of our cereals, and their Granola mixes on top of our oatmeal. We even keep a stock of their snickerdoodles which is a great ginger bread snack.

A full range of gluten free Enjoy Life products is showcased on their website; however I have not seen all their products on the shelves in Edmonton. Do not be afraid to ask any retailers about ordering some of their other products. Because most retailers already carry Enjoy Life products, it might not be a far stretch to pick up a couple other products if there is enough demand.

Let us know what you think about Enjoy Life.
