More gluten free pasta at Costco

We found this Giovanni gluten free spaghetti at Costco.  We bought it because we usually by the gluten free quinoa penne but they haven't restocked the shelves with it recently.  So here we are trying another new pasta.  A few things we liked about this one:
  1. It was under $10 for three boxes at costco
  2. It cooked really easily and really well and didn't stick together.
  3. It held up at lunch, even in a liquid sauce! That more than impressed us.

Try this pasta with the shrimp, lemon and garlic sauce recipe.

Gluten Free Edmonton - A Celiac guide and resource for gluten free information in Edmonton, Alberta


  1. which costco do you shop at in Edmonton? My location doesn't have many of the items you list on the blog. Thanks!

  2. this is good stuff served it to finicky eating house guests last week they did not notice any difference and I did not tell them either


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