Our friend RL, ventured off to the Edmonton Kinnikinnick store in Edmonton for some gluten free holiday treats (Christmas and Chanukah - which is over already) and ended up picking up a package of Kinnikinnick's gluten free sugar cookie mix. She loved them so much, she wrote us a guest blog post. For those that don't follow our blog often, RL is one of our best friends, that eats gluten free, but is also vegetarian and kosher. Lucky for her, all of Kinnikinnick's packaged goods are koser. Here's her review of the gluten free sugar cookie mix by Kinnikinnick
Eating gluten free but still craving mom's holiday sugar cookies?
Good news, kinnikinnik makes a great sugar cookie mix! Add eggs, butter (I used dairy free margarine) and vanilla and you'll have cookies that taste like the real thing. Ice to taste and you'll have cookies that look the real thing too. I've gone through 2 boxes and I'm contemplating making a third. They are just that easy. And as with all kinnikinnik products the mix is soy free, dairy free, nut free and kosher!
Happy holidays!
Gluten Free Edmonton - A Celiac guide and resource for gluten free information in Edmonton, Alberta
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