One afternoon we were meeting of of Amanda's friends for brunch, and Duff's and Pizza Pizza was just not going to cut it. What could we do? Where could we go? We know Pickle Barrel is a popular spot so we looked it up. We glimmered with hope when we saw a gluten free menu on their website, but were greatly disappointed when we saw * beside every menu item that basically said you had to have everything with no sauces or seasoning. That was not exactly the type of gluten free menu we were looking for.
So Amanda's friend recommended Bathurst Street Deli in Richmond Hill, because we thought at the very least, a nice omelet with potatoes would be gluten free. So Amanda gave a quick call the day before and found out not only is the omelet and potatoes gluten free, but they keep gluten free bread in the kitchen to make sandwiches etc.
What a find! Amanda asked if there would be any left for tomorrow, and the guy said most likely. So when we went in the next day, Amanda was able to speak with the same guy and he said they went out and got a fresh loaf in the morning. In which we responded "Fresh loaf? where", and he pointed to a bakery in the same plaza that bakes gluten free breads. What another great find.
Amanda ordered the exact same dish her friend ordered, which was a stuffed french toast, except Amanda's was gluten free. She was so happy to be able to order the exact same thing on the menu with only the bread having to be switched. Her breakfast was so good as well. I of course snuck a bite or two when she wasn't looking.
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